==================================================== Python Docstring Processing System Project History ==================================================== :Author: David Goodger :Contact: goodger@users.sourceforge.net :Date: $Date: 2002/04/20 16:24:57 $ :Web-site: http://docstring.sourceforge.net/ Acknowledgements ================ I would like to acknowledge the people who have made a direct impact on the Python Docstring Processing System (DPS) project, knowingly or not, in terms of encouragement, suggestions, criticism, bug reports, code contributions, and related projects: David Ascher, Fred Drake, Jim Fulton, Peter Funk, Doug Hellmann, Juergen Hermann, Tony Ibbs, Richard Jones, Garth Kidd, Daniel Larsson, Marc-Andre Lemburg, Wolfgang Lipp, Edward Loper, Ken Manheimer, Paul Moore, Michel Pelletier, Sam Penrose, Tim Peters, Mark Pilgrim, Tavis Rudd, Ueli Schlaepfer, Bob Tolbert, Laurence Tratt, Guido van Rossum, Barry Warsaw, Edward Welbourne, Ka-Ping Yee, Moshe Zadka (I'm still waiting for contributions of computer equipment and cold hard cash :-).) Hopefully I haven't forgotten anyone or misspelled any names; apologies (and please let me know!) if I have. Release 0.4 (2002-04-18) ======================== This is the final release of DPS as an independent package. Development is being transferred to the Docutils_ project immediately. .. _Docutils: http://docutils.sourceforge.net/ General: updated docstrings for new field list syntax (bibliographic info); changed contact email addresses. * install.py: Added to project. * setup.py: Modified for import by install.py. * COPYING.txt: Added to project. * dps/__init__.py: Added docstring. * dps/core.py: Added to project. * dps/nodes.py: - Added 'classifier'. - Added 'error', 'attention'. - Fixed link bookkeeping. - Added docstrings. - Extended ``Element.__iadd__`` (``+=``) to lists of nodes. - Duplicate hyperlink names -> dupname attribute. - Allow any DOM implementation from ``asdom()`` method. (I think.) - _Node's always true. - Changed .pprint() to .pformat(); removed endtags from output. - Added slice support to elements. - Added .findclass() & .findnonclass() methods. - Added support for auto-numbered and symbolic footnotes. - Changed 'tagName' to 'tagname'. - Improved auto-tagname generation. - Added string-conversion to attribute values in DOM-conversion. - Changed footnote/footnote_reference 'auto' attribute to integer. - Changed 'graphic' to 'image'. - Added 'docinfo', container for bibliographic elements. - Added 'transition'. - Renamed 'indirect' hyperlink targets -> 'external'. - Renamed ``.*links?`` -> ``.*targets?``. - Added support for indirect & anonymous targets. - External targets' URIs now in "refuri" attribute, not data. - Changed "link" to "reference". - Removed leading underscores from functional node base classes. - Added "hint", "substitution", "substitution_reference" classes. - Added element hierarchy base classes. - Removed generic 'directive'. - 'errorhandler' -> 'reporter'. ``dps.utils.Reporter`` reform. - Added document.languagecode. - Added Visitor classes, ``Node.walk()`` & ``Node.walkabout()``. - Improved ``__repr__()``. - Improved some names. - Removed Python-specific element classes. - Reworked for hyperlink transforms. - Added support for footnote transform. - Added 'problematic', inline relative of 'system_warning'. - Added ``Node.parent`` back-reference for transforms. - Added ``Element.index()`` and ``Element.replace()`` methods. - Simplified target record keeping. - Changed "system_warning" to "system_message". - Modified post-parse system message storage. - Added 'id' attribute support to ``document``. - Reworked option lists. - Removed "abstract" - Added "topic", "pending", "citation" and "citation_reference". - Added support for system_message cross-references. - Added support for list-value attributes (including "Element.setdefault()"). - Added "BackLinkable" mixin. * dps/roman.py: Added to project. Written by and courtesy of Mark Pilgrim. From http://diveintopython.org. * dps/statemachine.py (1.3): - Fixed bugs in StateMachineWS.getknownindented(). - Added trimming of blank first lines to StateMachineWS.getindented(), .getknownindented(), and .getfirstknownindented(). - Cleaned up & updated. - Fixed bug in StateMachine.getunindented(). - Added form feed & vertical tab conversion to string2lines. - Added StateMachine.nextlineblank(). - Added 'nestedSM' and 'nestedSMkwargs' to State. - Added 'uptoblank' and 'stripindent' optional arguments to 'getindented', 'getknownindented', and 'getfirstknownindented' methods of StateMachineWS, and to 'extractindented' function. - Added 'atbof' and 'ateof' methods to StateMachine. - Added support for 'TransitionCorrection' exception. * dps/urischemes.py: Known URI schemes; added to project. * dps/utils.py: - Renamed error reporter class to 'Reporter' from 'Errorist'. - Added named methods (aliases to numbered system_warning calls) to Reporter. - Removed Reporter.strong_system_warning (not needed). - Changed "system_warning" to "system_message". - Improved error stream handling. - Reworked ``Reporter`` based on "log4j". - Added some docstrings. - Added 'extract_extension_attributes()', associated functions and exceptions. - Added 'extract_name_value()' & 'NameValueError' exception. - Moved 'normname()' from restructuredtext.states. - Added ``newdocument()``: document Node creation. - Added name -> id conversion, ``id()``. * dps/test_*.py: Moved to new test/ directory. * dps/readers: Subpackage added to project. * dps/parsers/model.py: - Added setup_parse() so unoverridden parse() could raise a NotImplementedError. - Moved Parser class to __init__.py, with updates. Module removed from project. * dps/writers: Subpackage added to project. * dps/languages/__init__.py: - Added language module import function. * dps/languages/en.py: - Fixed ``__all__``. - Changed node class names to node classes. - Removed parser-specific data. - Added 'bibliographic_fields' and 'author_separators' (transform support). - Removed Python-specific interpreted text mapping. - Changed 'bibliographic_labels' to 'labels'. - Added labels for admonitions. - Added label for table of contents title. * dps/transforms: Subpackage added. Thanks to Ueli Schlaepfer for the initial work. * dps/formatters: Removed subpackage from project. Replaced by "writers". * test: Subdirectory added. The top-level consists of a modular test framework begun by Garth Kidd. * test/test_utils.py: Converted from doctest to unittest & updated. * spec/doctree.txt: "DPS Document Tree Structure", added to project. * spec/pep-0256.txt: Overhauled. * spec/pep-0257.txt: - Added "methods" to descriptions. - Mentioned Unicode strings. * spec/pep-0258.txt: Overhauled and retitled. * spec/gdpi.dtd: - Fixed typos & omissions; now validates. - Added 'source' to %basic.atts, removed 'rawtext'. - Added 'class' to %basic.atts for style sheets. - Changed field_argument's model to PCDATA. - Added option_list and doctest_block from ppdi.dtd. - Added classifier element to definition_list_item. - Added dupname attribute to %basic.atts; for duplicate names. - Added support for auto-numbered footnotes. - Added 'morecols' attribute to table entries (), for simpler column span indication. - Made document subtitle dependent on the existence of a title. - Changed 'graphic' to 'image'. - Moved 'caption' to after 'image' in 'figure'. - Added 'error' and 'hint' admonition elements. - Added 'docinfo' as container for bibliographic elements. - Added 'transition'. - Changed %link.atts to %reference.atts. - Separated out %reference.atts into constituent parts. - Added all reference and "anonymous" attributes to "target". - Changed "link" to "reference". - Added "anonymous" attribute to "reference". - Changed the content model of "reference" to allow inline elements, specifically images and substitution references. - Added 'image' as body element; 'target' as inline element. - Added 'alt' attribute to 'image'. - Expanded 'authors' content. - Clarified 'figure' content. - Added 'substitution_definition' and 'substitution_reference'. - Changed content models of most inline elements to %text.model, allowing nested inline elements. - Removed generic 'directive'. - Added 'problematic', inline relative of 'system_message'. - Added 'type' attribute to 'system_warning', removed 'warning'. - Changed "system_warning" to "system_message"; added backlink attribute "backrefs". - Reworked option lists. - Removed "abstract" - Added "topic". - Added "pending". - Added "citation" and "citation_reference". - Added "raw". - Added "refid" attribute to "title" for two-way Tables of Contents. - Added "backrefs" attribute to "footnote" & "citation" for backlinks. * spec/pdpi.dtd: - Fixed typos; now validates. - Moved option_list and doctest_block from gpdi.dtd. * spec/pysource-reader.txt: Added to project (from reStructuredText). Release 0.3 (2001-07-19) ======================== * dps/nodes.py: Added to project. * dps/test_nodes.py: Added to project. * dps/utils.py: Added to project. * dps/test_utils.py: Added to project. * dps/statemachine.py (1.2): - Added exceptions: UnknownTransitionError, DuplicateTransitionError, TransitionPatternNotFound, TransitionMethodNotFound, UnexpectedIndentationError. - Changed StateMachine.lineno to lineoffset. - Added methods to StateMachine: unlink(), gotoline(), gettextblock(), getunindented(), abslineoffset(), abslineno(). - Changed StateMachine method signatures: addtransitions(), addtransition(). - Changed function extractindented(), and StateMachineWS methods getindented(), getknownindented(), and getfirstknownindented(): added a 'blankfinish' boolean return value to each. - Fixed a bug in StateMachineWS methods getindented(), getknownindented(), and getfirstknownindented(), where an empty block caused an infinite loop. - Changed State's transition storage (instance attributes transitions & transitionorder). - Added methods to State: unlink(), removetransition(). - Relaxed State.patterns contents: values can be strings or compiled patterns; strings will be compiled by State.maketransition(). * dps/test_statemachine.py: Modified per statemachine.py changes. * dps/parsers/model.py: Progress on the API. * spec/gpdi.dtd: Added 'level' attribute to 'system_warning'. * spec/pep-0258.txt: Added 'Error Handling' section. Release 0.2 (2001-06-18) ======================== PEP numbers assigned 2001-06-06. PEPs first posted to comp.lang.python 2001-06-13. * spec/pep-0256.txt: - File renamed from dps-framework-pep.txt. * spec/pep-0257.txt: - File renamed from docstring-conventions-pep.txt. - Added "Rationale" section. - Resolved additions ([+]) and deletions ([-]). - Added a description of "What is a Docstring?". - Added descriptions of attribute and additional docstrings. * spec/pep-0258.txt: - File renamed from dps-genericspec-pep.txt. - Optional override of what docstrings to examine. * dps/statemachine.py: - Catch `EOFError` to end statemachine processing. - Relaxed State.initialtransitions contents: entries can be strings as well as tuples. (Also argument to State.maketransitions().) * dps/test_statemachine.py: Modified tests for statemachine.py changes. * HISTORY.txt: Added to project. Release 0.1 (2001-06-02) ======================== The project web site and the first project release were rolled out. Candidate PEPs posted to Doc-SIG 2001-06-03. .. Local Variables: mode: indented-text indent-tabs-mode: nil sentence-end-double-space: t fill-column: 70 End: